
    layers: [
    // Histogram with 10 bins, rendering sum / 100
    // "{XXX}" is a shortcut to execute XXX in a
    // js environment with a row's values
    // bound to variables with the corresponding attribute names.
        type: "rect",
        aes: {
          y: "{total/10}"
      stat: "bin"
    // Boxplot collected into 4 bins
      geom: "boxplot",
      aes: {
        x: floor500,
        group: { color: floor500, opacity: 0.5 }
      stat: "boxplot"
    // Smoothed line, grouped and colored by "g" attribute
    // Lines are custom colored and thick
      geom: "line",
      aes: {
        group: {color: "g", "stroke-width": 2}
      stat: {
        type:"loess", bandwidth: 0.3
      scales: {
        stroke: {
          type: "color",
          range: ["black", "red", "green"]

    // Render the raw data as a stacked line graph
      geom: "line",
      aes: {
        group: {
          color: "g",
          "stroke-opacity": 0.2
      pos: "stack"

    ] ,
    // place the common aesthetic mappings here
    aes: {
      x: "d",
      y: "e"
    scales: {"stroke-opacity": "identity", "fill-opacity": "identity"},
    opts: {
      width: 900,
      height: 500,
      title: "Multi-layer faceted example"
    facets: {x: "f"}


